sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2014

OS 30 DE ESPARTA... ( PARA QUE A VIDA NÃO FIQUE JAMAIS ...___"ROBOTIZADA ",,,)__LINK.:imagens de bakunin - Pesquisa Google

imagens de bakunin - Pesquisa Google

Other Lands __ That's great. Thirty persons making
 a manifestation  had make a formidable mess in the traffic in the center of the Rio de Janeiro City. Say the sweet rebel  ( asked for their political segmente ) :
 We represents none of the nones... You could see !... ( claps to our 30 of Esparta... Clap Clap Clap!... Bakunin is similling much, very much and LOUD ___ too LOUD!...). Kisses. JLs.

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